Our Programs

Youth / Teen Outreach

Know the Warning Signs ? Red flags for Teen Dating Violence

  • Suspicious bruises, scratches, or other injuries
  • Failing grades
  • Alcohol or drug use
  • Loss of interest in activities or hobbies that was once enjoyable
  • Excuses their dating partner’s behavior
  • Avoidance of friends and social events
  • Fearfulness around their dating partner

Self sufficiency & Emergency Services

Self Sufficiency Matters

Once someone has had the courage to step out in faith and leave an abusive situation- self sufficiency matters. We inspire & connect survivors to resources that make a better life possible.

We also are a sound guide to steps of getting on the right track. Our uniqueness is meeting individuals where they are and providing heartfelt character to walk beside them & their families. Making sure no one walks alone!

Depending on where someone lives, we will work with local programs and bridge the gap for them. It is our commitment to serve others and deliver the highest quality of support. You are not alone!

Crisis Rescue & Response

Crisis rescue missions

if you have noticed red flags in the relationship of someone you care about— DO SOMETHING!!!

Call us to talk through assessment and we will help you connect with valuable information. Details are not explained here for a reason, but we will RESPOND accordingly, proceed with safety in mind, and pull together resources to help RESTORE lives. We take our mission very seriously, this is what we call Respond & Restore! We have the awesome opportunity to re direct the course of a potentially tragic situation. All information is confidential and held with the upmost priority.

Prevention/ Education/ Training

Shelter Partnership Programs

Legal & safety Assistance

Casework & Advocacy

Scholarship program

Community Outreach

Dating Bill of Rights

I have the right…

To ask for a date
To refuse a date
To suggest activities on a date
To have my own feelings and to be able to express them
without fear
To say I think my date’s information is wrong or their actions
are unfair or inappropriate.
To ask someone not to interrupt me
To have my limits and values respected
To tell my date when I need affection
To refuse affection
To be heard
To refuse to lend money
To refuse sex with anyone just because they took me out on
an expensive date To refuse sex at any time for any reason

I have the responsibility…

To communicate clearly and honestly

To ask for help when I need it

To be considerate

To check my actions & decisions and determine whether they

are good for me or bad for me

To set high goals


Shattering the Silence of Domestic Violence

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Shattering the Silence of Domestic Violence

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